With some hard times these past two years, it's made me really scale back on a variety of things my family and I enjoyed. I am learning and really trying to deal with being in this new "survival mode". My husband, on the other hand, tells me he has been through it before and doesn't think much of it. But not me, if I have, my parents hid it well or I was just too young to remember. Growing up, money was never a given, yet to me we were able to live somewhat comfortable and enjoy our life. I was taught early on that you have to work for what you want and have done that for many years. I never expected nor asked for handouts, as to me, it was my problem and no-one elses. Whether it was me who caused the shortfalls or someone else. But nowadays what I have worked so hard to get, I have to rethink and determine if it really is a necessity and if not bring myself to let it go, which to me is not an easy thing to do. Working today, it seems, is not for the "wants and must haves" and just because everyone has it or it's an upgrade, but so that you can survive.
We've played the bill juggling game before, but not like it is today. We've even started a new game...the grocery game...you know the one...what can we buy for xxx amount that will last us through the week and still give us a healthy decent meal? It's pretty sad when you were once telling your kids to "eat up and have some more" and now "you get whatever is on your plate and no more...for we must save the rest for another meal".
I can bet there would be quite a percentage of people that never want to be in a survival mode and thinking they shouldn't be there and of it being a negative experience. But sometimes you must hit bottom or close to it to realize the positives and the lessons that are to be learned. I believe (1) It puts life in more perspective as to the person you are and allows you to look deep inside of yourself; (2) It eliminates or minimizes our greed; (3) It makes us appreciate more what we do have and should hold onto; (4) It brings our family unit closer together; and (5) It gives us a stronger and healthier spirit to live by.
Our family is still in decent shape and is better than a good portion of our nation. There are times like today, where we have taken one step forward and then three steps back. But I keep telling myself that each day, I must continue to Thank God for the blessings and the gifts of the day; ask HIM for strength and guidance to get through this; and to have faith so that I may feel the weight being lifted for HE is there alongside me helping me carry these burdens. I'll sign off now with this Prayer:
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill; When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit - Rest if you must, but DON'T YOU QUIT. Life is queer with its twist and turns, As every one of us sometimes learns, And many a fellow turns about, When he might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up though the pace seems slow - You may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than It seems to a faint and faltering man; Often the struggler has given up, When he might have captured the victor's cup; And he learned too late when the night came down, How close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out-the silver tint of the clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems afar; So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit - It's when things seem worst that you MUSTN'T QUIT.
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Sunday, January 23, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
New Year, New Me
On the morning of the new year, I awoke with a different sense of being. One that I have never have felt or maybe really never paid much attention to before. I felt so ready to let go of, remove, and purge all the negatives and the old; hold onto whatever matters the most; make better choices for the new; express more the feelings of my heart; stand up and go forth with MY goals and dreams; find MY purpose and most importantly see clearer the gifts and blessing of each day. It was as if someone had whispered to me...this year is going to be such a great year - just follow the signs and you'll see! For several months my horoscope has been stating significant change and I do feel like I'm being guided in someway. But really, will it be? As long as that feeling stays with me, it most likely will be, but if somehow it slips away, than, probably not. 2011 here I come...what do you have in store for me?
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