Do you have a Dream? Why stop Dreaming when you wake up?
It cost Nothing to Dream!
Are your pursuing it? If not, what’s stopping you?
The rewards will be worth more when you Pursue and Prosper from it.
Keep the Dream alive.
Don’t allow critics and bad opinions dismiss your Dream.
It takes only YOU to believe and YOU to be the force behind making it become reality.
Pisces, my horoscope sign, is a dreamer and imaginative. So naturally I am always dreaming. But it was until recently that I was able to take these dreams from little hidden canvases and start bringing them to life. Partnering with a one of a kind company gave me the push and the courage to get up and out, to meet, talk and connect with new people. I began to network, and find resources so that my dreams can stay alive, keep building them and make them a reality. I am finding that my Dreams are a guide map in my life’s journey. Without a Dream, I would be lost.
DREAM ~ it costs Nothing
PURSUE ~ it takes only YOU to believe
PROSPER ~The rewards will be worth more