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Friday, October 12, 2012

Only God Knows Why

In previous posts I had described how I was blessed three times.  I wrote about the second and third. Now it’s time to write about the first.

It was 14 years ago I moved to a new small town several hundred miles away from my family and comfort zones.  The devotion of being around family and close friends made my move a difficult decision.  But several unpleasant prior events and my strong yearning to find once again the person who through years got lost under someone else’s control, strengthened me to make this bold step. To take on new adventure.

One night in my new town, I walked into the local bar with a friend.  My shy personality and not knowing many of the town folk, led me to a bar stool at the far end of the room. The bartender had noticed me walking through the door and it didn’t take him long before he made his way to where I was seated. His friendly and outgoing personality immediately put me at ease in the strange place, (the never empty wine glass, had a little something to with it too).  He had that hard-edged wild look, a look that I have always been attracted to, yet I felt a softness about him. He was different. 

The night continued on.  He served the many patrons coming in and out of the bar but our conversations never seemed to interrupt.  So many of our stories were similar.  Only a few hours had past, but we felt we knew each other for years. We would finish each other’s sentences.  Neither one of us had been content and laughed in so long, the way we did that night.

He tried warning me that he was trouble. He had dark spots. His heart weighed heavy with regrets and distance with his two children, family and past.  Although some were beyond his control, he still felt responsible in someway. There was a sadness about him, but it didn’t bother me.  I saw qualities and talents that he himself, was finding hard to realize he had.

He had words of wisdom and gave me confidence.  He’d listen to my thoughts, even if they didn’t make sense. He would take my hand and show me another path.  He’d put the simple in my over thinking (which I do quite often). He opened my eyes to see and has shown me a love like no one before. 

Our life continues ~ married with children of our own. Trials and tribulations still emerge from time to time.  Solutions and lessons materialize in unexpected ways.  Disagreements and different interests may at times pull us apart.  But all in all our lives are full. 

Our hearts still flutter, our arms embrace, our lips lift to smile, our tongues still whisper “I love you”. 

We have this bond. Together to make WE and as he wrote and sings… Only God Knows Why 
                                                                                                                                                Please listen, vote and share this song.


Sunday, August 26, 2012


More headlines have caught my attention. Each advertising a sole situation.  Not long ago, in my own way of thinking, I was trying to find a way to accomplish each of these goals.  But I kept coming up with an excuse. Then a friend shared with me an opportunity where I CAN and DID accomplish all three. No significant changes and no more excuses.

Redefine your future – (a college ad offering studies in a few career choices)   I’m always looking to try something new and expand my horizons, but I lacked the interest in going back to school.  My adult mind is more confused and stressed just helping my kids with their homework and trying to understand the new ways of arithmetic.  With my new opportunity, I did not need a college education, degree or diploma to get started.  I already had the experience with lessons I learned early on in life. I expanded on what I do best, helping others and sharing important information with them.

Balance your life – (pilates) By raising two active kids, it’s amazing how many forms of exercises you do in a day, including meditation and brain boosting activities.  Most are done spur of the moment.  Now, I get to enjoy more time and THE time with my whole family.  I’m able to listen more closely. I meet and talk with others, whenever, wherever and around my family’s schedule.

Reclaim your health – (fighting obesity) Yes, loosing a few extra pounds, eating healthier and taking better care of my overall health should have been at the top of my list. But growing up sitting at an Italian dinner table eating bread, pastas and cheese made it difficult!  Since feeding my whole body with nutritional supplements, healthier shakes and snacks, I literally lost weight.
I didn’t have to eliminate my Italian dinners or do any major exercise.  I also have gained energy by reducing the toxins that my body, home and environment absorb, allowing me to participate in and enjoy more of the activities with family and friends.

How about you?  Are you ready to Redefine your future, Balance your life and Reclaim your health?  What’s your plan of action? 


Monday, July 23, 2012


The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a hero as “a mythological or legendary figure of great strength or ability”. Rightly so if you are reading a comic book, cartoon or watching an animated movie.  We’ve seen time and again the heroic acts of Superman, Spiderman, and Batman to name a few.  In times of great need they swiftly appear to fight villains and save cities and people from acts of jealousy, vengeance and injustice.

In reality, heroes are not at all mythological, legendary nor do they have super powers. They are not only soldiers of war, policemen or firefighters that risk their lives at all costs for our communities and great country.  They are not only persons or animals that take hasty action and respond in the moment. They are not only celebrities or persons of wealth. They are not only teachers, missionaries, church leaders, special organizations, doctors, scientists or inventors. 

Our communities read about heroes in the newspaper, and stories are spread through the social networks, television and radio.  The world will never forget the heroes from the 9/11 attacks on our country.  Most recently, there were acts of heroism from ordinary people and loved ones involved in the movie theatre tragedy in Colorado.

You see heroes are within and all around us. They appear all the time, not only through tragedy or misfortune but also through enjoyment and thrill.  You are a hero. Your child is a hero. The stranger standing or sitting next to you is a hero.  I am a hero.  My God is a hero. 

My definition of a Hero is any person or even animal that makes a difference in another’s life, whether small or extraordinary.  How does one make a difference?  They question what another desires or craves. They explore what it is that they them self know, really love to do and interpret their own abilities. They express, share, and educate with it.  They transform their compassion into an action or service for others in need without any expectation of material gain. They become a role model.

In the words of former President Ronald Reagan …“Those who say that we're in a time when there are no heroes, they just don't know where to look ”. 

Go Make a Difference whether it be small or extraordinary

                    Be a Hero!

Monday, June 11, 2012

What is your Inner Beauty?

When we first enter this world, there is always one similar scene. A precious newborn snuggly wrapped and resting in caring arms or a crib.  Ooohs and aahhhs slipping through the lips of all the eyes that lay upon us.  Comparisons are made to who we look like, whose eyes, chin or hair we have. Our outside beauty radiating throughout the room. 

But we are different, unique and not exactly the same as anyone else.  There has been no one like us before nor will they come after. We are a masterpiece of beauty all our own, both inside and outside.  But it is our inner beauty which is more magical and attractive than any outside appearance.  It has no monetary value. It can’t be sold or bought.  No makeup, clothing, or cover-ups are needed. It is very difficult to disguise. It does not fade or grow old, as opposed to any outside beauty.  

So what is inner beauty?  It’s our spirit, passion, confidence, intellect, compassion, kindness, and personality.  A special message placed within our hearts by God, to deliver to all we meet or cross paths with, and our purpose for serving the needs of others.

When we’re babies, our inner beauty is not yet fully seen, defined or understood.  But as we grow and learn, it becomes more apparent.  For most, it can take time, events, trials and tribulations, etc.  To others, they find it easier and sooner. 

Have you found your true Inner Beauty? If not, are you really listening to the compliments from others or playing them down as “that’s what I was taught to do?” If you do the latter, you might be missing your purpose or special message.  Take note of the compliments you receive. How many times have you received the same one? How does your soul  feel when they are heard or repeated?  What is your passion? 

Once your Inner Beauty is found, always emit it, no matter the age...

For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it.
For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it.
For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it. 
Ivan Panin

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dream ~ Pursue ~ Prosper

Do you have a Dream?  Why stop Dreaming when you wake up?
It cost Nothing to Dream! 
Are your pursuing it?  If not, what’s stopping you? 
The rewards will be worth more when you Pursue and Prosper from it. 
Keep the Dream alive.
Don’t allow critics and bad opinions dismiss your Dream. 
It takes only YOU to believe and YOU to be the force behind making it become reality. 

Pisces, my horoscope sign, is a dreamer and imaginative. So naturally I am always dreaming. But it was until recently that I was able to take these dreams from little hidden canvases and start bringing them to life.  Partnering with a one of a kind company gave me the push and the courage to get up and out, to meet, talk and connect with new people.  I began to network, and find resources so that my dreams can stay alive, keep building them and make them a reality.  I am finding that my Dreams are a guide map in my life’s journey.  Without a Dream, I would be lost.  

DREAM  ~  it costs Nothing  
PURSUE ~ it takes only YOU to believe
PROSPER ~The rewards will be worth more 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What or Who Inspires You?

I had a bout with writer’s block lately.  I’d sit down at my computer, typing words then hit the delete button because it didn’t sound appealing.  But today, I saw an ad in the newspaper that got my wheels spinning.

The headline read... 

“What (or Who) Inspires You?”

Wow, what a brilliant question, don’t you think?  This is a question that we don’t really think to ask ourselves or ask often enough.  It sure did catch my eye and I immediately started to ponder my answers.

It could be:

*Family*Friends*A Colleague*Reading or Writing*A Prayer or Poem
*Music*Art*Traveling/Camping*Spending time outdoors*Fitness

What or Who could it be for you?  Grab a piece of paper and write all your answers down.  Ask yourself “What is it that they do that inspires me?   Then jot down next to each the reason or reasons. 

By examining the reasons (not can) but you will motivate yourself and move closer to achieving your goals and dreams.   Keep this paper with your goal and/or dream list so when the day comes, you may look back and acknowledge how you achieved them.

Oh and one last thing, it doesn’t cost much to Pay it forward…so go ahead, Inspire someone today