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Monday, July 25, 2011

The Power of the Dream

Now I lay me down to sleep
My bed so tranquil, my limbs at ease
I close my eyes and count the sheep

I reach the magic number
My chest rises and falls
And I begin a restful slumber.

My breath is the only sound
As my inner depth of my mind calls
And my journey starts to abound

The path, it starts out dark and hollow
I keep looking back
To see if someone is to follow.

Each step is ever so gently taken
As to see what lies ahead
Before my body becomes awaken.

Enter another world
At this tunnel’s end 
A place where I am lured

I’m in awe at what I see
Not sure which way to go
That is best suited for me.

Should I take his hand
The Dream Weaver, he is called
To guide me on this land

Or attempt to go unaided
Exploring the many mysteries
My mind and soul have created?

Whichever way I may choose
I behold the Power of the Dream
And it’s reality I shall carefully muse

For it can one day take me very far
Leading me to see, believe and achieve
My very own star!

Written by Diane M. Shampine 7/25/11 ©

1 comment:

  1. Diane,
    This poem is beautiful, outstanding. We're so proud of you.
    Love you,

    Mom & Dad
