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Monday, July 23, 2012


The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a hero as “a mythological or legendary figure of great strength or ability”. Rightly so if you are reading a comic book, cartoon or watching an animated movie.  We’ve seen time and again the heroic acts of Superman, Spiderman, and Batman to name a few.  In times of great need they swiftly appear to fight villains and save cities and people from acts of jealousy, vengeance and injustice.

In reality, heroes are not at all mythological, legendary nor do they have super powers. They are not only soldiers of war, policemen or firefighters that risk their lives at all costs for our communities and great country.  They are not only persons or animals that take hasty action and respond in the moment. They are not only celebrities or persons of wealth. They are not only teachers, missionaries, church leaders, special organizations, doctors, scientists or inventors. 

Our communities read about heroes in the newspaper, and stories are spread through the social networks, television and radio.  The world will never forget the heroes from the 9/11 attacks on our country.  Most recently, there were acts of heroism from ordinary people and loved ones involved in the movie theatre tragedy in Colorado.

You see heroes are within and all around us. They appear all the time, not only through tragedy or misfortune but also through enjoyment and thrill.  You are a hero. Your child is a hero. The stranger standing or sitting next to you is a hero.  I am a hero.  My God is a hero. 

My definition of a Hero is any person or even animal that makes a difference in another’s life, whether small or extraordinary.  How does one make a difference?  They question what another desires or craves. They explore what it is that they them self know, really love to do and interpret their own abilities. They express, share, and educate with it.  They transform their compassion into an action or service for others in need without any expectation of material gain. They become a role model.

In the words of former President Ronald Reagan …“Those who say that we're in a time when there are no heroes, they just don't know where to look ”. 

Go Make a Difference whether it be small or extraordinary

                    Be a Hero!

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