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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Unanswered Prayers

As I mentioned in the previous post "Lessons from a Child",  I was blessed three times. I've explained the third, now it's time to explain the second. 

Have you ever heard the song Unanswered Prayers, by Garth Brooks ..."that just because HE doesn't answer doesn't mean HE don't care.  Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers"?

Well, my greatest gift from an unanswered prayer is my daughter, Marisa Goia-Rose.  For over 10 years, I had tried to conceive and prayed to have a child.  Throughout that time, I kept wondering why God wasn't answering me.  But it wasn't until later on that I realized ~ HE was actually listening.  HE knew those years were not the right time. That my life would be moving into a better, healthier direction than where it was, when I was praying to bring a child into my life.  HE knew exactly the right time to send this child to me.

It is always said that when HE takes a life, another HE will give.  It is my belief that HE did this with my mother-in-law who was gravely ill, when HE called her back home two months before Marisa was born.   From an unanswered prayer to keep mom alive, came one of God's greatest gifts.  His reasoning in the timing, I have yet to fully understand, however, I do have some theories.

But from first time I felt her flutter in my belly, Marisa has brought so much more love and happiness into my life.  Looking back, she was really worth that wait. Patience is something that I have always struggled with.  And since she was born, Marisa struggles with it too.  But we are learning and teaching each other how to become more patient and less impatient. 

I'm finding it really hard to not blink, as she is growing up from that baby girl they laid into my arms 11 years ago, into a smart, caring, talented, beautiful young girl.  I can only hope that I am and will continue to teach her well.   I have no doubt that she will excel wherever her heart and dreams take her.  My wishes for my greatest gift...are summed up in the Rascal Flatts song...My Wish.

So when you think your prayers are not being answered, think again.  You may find One of God's Greatest Gifts!

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